Here for You!

At SCA Recovery, we know that all our clients have questions about our program. Here are just a few of the questions we receive most often. If you have other questions that aren’t answered here, please reach out to us.

We do accept many forms of insurance; however, there’s no way we can answer this question without taking a look at your insurance coverage. Please contact us to find out if we accept your insurance. 

Many people think you come to treatment with nothing. However, there are some things you should bring when you come. You will need a card to verify your identity, such as a driver’s license, state ID, or passport. You also need to bring your health insurance card and a pharmacy card if you have one. You can pack a small bag with enough clothes for five days, workout clothes, and a swimsuit. Cigarettes and e-cigarettes are also allowed. You can bring in products for personal hygiene as well.

There are things we do not allow you to bring in with you when you come in for treatment. Please do not bring in technology, such as computers, tablets, or smartwatches. Please note that any personal hygiene products you bring in must be alcohol-free, such as mouthwash or cologne. We also do not allow you to bring anything that could be considered a weapon. 

We know how difficult it is to make that initial call for treatment, and we want to make the process as smooth as possible. You can reach out right now by calling our Admissions Specialists. Our specialists are available 24 hours a day to answer all your questions and get you started on the path toward a sober lifestyle. 

Every client is different regarding their length of stay. It depends on how long you remain in detox as well as the substances you are using. 

The average length of stay for most of our clients is 28-30 days. 

SCA Recovery is located in Los Angeles, California. 

Yes, you can see people at specified times during treatment. We encourage family members to visit for therapy sessions as well. Many families find this extremely helpful. 

Yes, at SCA Recovery, we understand that all of our clients are different, and because of that, we offer many types of programs besides 12-step. Each patient’s treatment plan is unique to them and not all will require a 12-step program. 

Yes, you can. While we have chefs prepare the food, you may make a grocery list each week if you prefer to prepare your own food.

There are areas at SCA Recovery where you can smoke cigarettes.

We encourage connections with friends and family members. You can receive mail while you are in treatment. You can also receive phone calls, as long as there is a consent form on file for that person. Our goal is to keep you safe during treatment, which means that you can consent or refuse whomever you want. 

We know you must have many other questions and we are here to help. If you'd like to have a conversation or schedule a tour of our facility, please contact us!

SCA Recovery © 2024 All rights reserved.

Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services
License: 191160AP | Expires: 10/31/2024